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Thursday, August 04, 2011

Prologue - Diary of Dr. Walter Dickson -- -28 Days to Patient Zero

Diary of Dr. Walter Dickson

09 August 2009




We have since tried the strain on the said cow. However, it displayed no sign of anything. Maybe it has a natural immunity to the strain. Heatha is currently working on that possibility in order to obtain a vaccine to it. I have since yet to sleep! Oh god.

Alice is feeling much better already. She seemed normal. I guess for now I cannot work on the virus strain no more. Alice do hates it that I bring work to wherever we go. Oh dear me. Am going for breakfast now as soon as Alice is done showering. I think I could use a nap after breakfast!

Also... Something happened between Heatha and myself.. I had ended up making out with her the night before, just after injecting the virus strain into the cow.. Oh god what in the world am I doing?!


Something had came up. Heatha managed to analyse the blood sample from the cow and it seems that the virus strain had somehow merged with the existing viruses within the cow, creating an even stronger strain. What's weird and mind boggling is that the cow is showing no signs of any pain. Not even with the cobra venom. How odd. Heatha also brought up the possibility that the cow could be just showing no symptoms.. I wonder why..

She has also brought up another thing.. She has already reported this to the higher ups! That slimy bitch.. It's far too soon for reporting seeing that there is no reaction to the virus strain yet.. Well, I am going to get some sleep first, I'm far too bummed out to think straight..


I was awoken by Alice. She informed me that apparently there is a situation going on in the country itself and as such, the tour guide had decided to abandon us at this current tribe area that we are lodging in. All this reeks of a sabotage. I went to Heatha and indeed.. She has told the Military to lock down the area "for research purposes". I was pissed. Very pissed.

But then she showed me something interesting. The virus strain itself have since mutated and somehow gotten stronger. Heatha said it is starting to develop airborne characteristics. Which is terrifying. I then started to work on a vaccine. Just in case. We have detected a strain in the cow whereby it seems to fight off the virus strain, pretty effectively. We are working on that now. Looks like I have to leave poor alice alone again.


We did it! We tested the vaccine on the Petri dish with some of the virus strain and it seems to cancel out the virus effectively enough! We have since injected it into the cow to see if it works. Not only that, we tested out the virus on the dog and monkey.. No visible symptoms of pain or the virus taking effect, which is weird.

We have also injected the vaccine into those animals to see if it works.. Will update with the results later!


It seems.. The vaccine was a success! No strain of the virus was detected in the cow any longer. The same goes for the dog and monkey! That is good news! However, we have since, done something terrible.. We have just injected the virus into one of the members of the tour group.. So far, no signs of any mutations or sickness.. How odd.. Maybe we have failed.. Looks like it will be best to move on.. Heatha will be informing the Military and we will be moving out from here.. In a few hours we will inject the vaccine into the poor fellow.. What is his name again?? Hendrik, or something..

Dear Alice has fallen asleep.. I see that she has been crying.. Has she... Found the diary and read it? I hope not.. Shall go get myself another of those instant coffee.. I'll need it to work..

Ps. Heatha is looking hot, what with her serious demeanour when working.. So damn sexy and hot..