Diary of Dr. Walter Dickson
08 August 2009
And, surprisingly, today's weather was for the better! Sadly, my dear Alice is suffering badly from the contaminated food served to us by the tribesmen. Plus, lodgings weren't of the best seeing that this is a hike. She has started vomitting despite taking some antibiotics for food poisoning that I had packed along. Poor dear. As for myself, I have since recovered from the food poisoning. I pin that down to my constant working out in the gym and long jogs! Who says doctors are all feebly and small in stature? I, for one, am proud to be a fit and well built doctor from the Military!
And.. Heatha seems to be recovering fine too. That's good. Although, she does seem slightly paler. Oh well. Anyway, I have since made use of my free time conduct some tests on the 8 strains of viruses that I manage to extract from one of the cows that were at the village. Apparently, the Amazon do contain wonders. Medical wonders! I mean, just one cow and I can extract 8 strains of different viruses that not only has the advanced medical science of the Military failed to detect, but has also no cure to it!
Which makes me wonder.. Did the beef we consume the day before also contain the viruses? If so, then we are in trouble! I have since, so far, gathered and identified the DNA blocks that matches the common flu and diarrhoea, thus the runs. Also, this could be the cause of the vomitting my dear Alice is suffering from.
I have since set Heatha to try and concoct an antibiotic to fight these viruses.. But.. Heatha did point out something worthwhile.. That we should try to combine the strains and then work on the antibiotic to fight all 8 at once.. Interesting..
I have since decided to place time stamps in my diary. I cannot believe what is going on! Through the combined efforts of Heatha and myself, working since the afternoon, we have, somehow or rather, managed to combined those strains of viruses! Through a calculated combination of the DNA blocks, they have since merged to form a solitary virus strain! We have also taken the liberty and used the viruses we managed to extract from the monkey and dog that we came across. Along with the venom of cobras that we have stolen from the tribesmen. We have since decided to name this virus as "Green" as the resulting virushad a somewhat greenish brown tinge to it. I know, it's a bad name, but I have never been one for fanciful names! Heatha did suggest to use one alphabet to name it, a la Resident Evil. What nonsense!
However, as to what kind of damage it can do to a person is still unknown.. We will be trying it out on the very same cow we extracted the most of the viruses from.. Just to see what happens. Also, Heatha and I are going to start working on a cure for it in about, 5 minutes. Shall take a smoke and set out to work!